February Newsletter


Supply Unchained

February 2024

Planning for the Future… Be ahead of the game.

It should already be common knowledge that supply chains are vulnerable. Although unlikely to happen on the same scale, Covid lockdown period is a perfect example of this. That was a health crisis but there are many more concerns on how supply chains become vulnerable or collapse. Climate change is a huge driver of supply chain instability, and to help your business you either need to insure against it, mitigate and adapt, or just hope for the best.

There is a detailed video posted on The Sustainable Business Resource website or LinkedIn that explains more on how climate change can tangibly affect your business. Go check it out @thesbr.org.uk.

Local vs. International

We must address the fact that not every business would be able to have a fully local supply chain. As a collective, Devon manufactures and produces some brilliant high-quality products. However, they are not as diverse as other counties or countries. We think that it is important to try and buy local whenever possible even if this is a small part of your supply chain that gets amended. It is more reliable in times of extreme weather, conflict, or lack of global produce etc. A good initial place to look is Made in Devon or check out North Devon Manufacturers Association to see if there are local products you can substitute. 

Some work carried out by Devon Communities together found that when there were local supply chain issues during the pandemic, the larger retailers were out competing the smaller businesses for products and goods due to minimum orders and higher delivery costs. Left with no choice they found more reliable local providers which improved their business security.

Climate Insurance Trends

As the climate becomes more unstable, individuals and businesses are beginning to insure against climate related disasters. Due to the rising demand insurance premiums are increasing. This is made worse by our struggling economy meaning more individuals and businesses are claiming for small hazards to keep them afloat.

A report produced by EIOPA stated that only a quarter of businesses are covered by climate-related disasters and as premium continue to rise this insurance gap is likely to increase.

Ilfracombe Business Expo

Come and join us at the Ilfracombe Business Expo on the 5th of March. We will be joined by Petroc, Biosphere, Plastic Free, North Devon Manufactures. It’s a must for all business owners to network, educate, and build on business best practices. It runs from 9 am-3 pm with a jam-packed day of expert talks and workshops. It would be great to connect, see what you guys have got in the works, and give advice at our 361 Energy and The Sustainable Business Resource stand.

Call to Action

  • To help improve your supply chain security contact us on the Sustainable Business Resource contact form or give us an email.

  • Sign up to our mailing list if you haven’t already. Stay informed on what is happening locally and how you can get involved.

Sign up to this months webinar
Sign up to our newsletter: Next month focus is inspiring apprentices to invigorate your business.

Save the Date

Ilfracombe Business Expo: 5th March  

Big Green Week: 8-16th June

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